Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Highly anticipated, incredibly underrated, but soon to be celebrated, we’ve finally got our hands on Droop-E‘s new mixtape, BLVCK DIAMOND LIFE.

Firstly, you’re going to need to educate yourself with Sade’s music, if you aren’t already well-versed, because this tape is built entirely around samples of the band’s songs. Lead singer, Sade Adu, is like a Bjork that you could actually have a normal conversation with in real life. She can reach certain highs and lows with her voice that could only be done by the hypothetical child of Mariah Carey and Z-Ro. Check out “Kiss of Life” and “War of Hearts“, for starters.

Secondly, you’re going to need to just download the damn tape. Droop has only leaked one song from this tape, which is unheard of for an artist to do (nowadays, it’s weird if you haven’t already heard half of a mixtape that hasn’t even dropped yet). So he’s patient, he’s got a vision for something bigger than just dropping shit for blogs to lick off of the ground. This is just a great concept overall and really focused for such a modest artist. Get on it.


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